2022 was a year of impact.
Despite the ever-present and often overwhelming environmental and social issues facing us here in the city (and world), we delivered programs and events this year that were both impactful and inspiring. If you’re passionate about making London a more green and resilient city too, please support our #GiftofGreen campaign this giving season and help us reach our goal of $5,000 raised for environmental programming! Click here to make a donation today.
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We hosted 2 Depave Paradise events this year! Over 500 native plants were added to Depave Paradise sites, Jeanne Sauvé French Immersion Public School and St. Thomas Horton Farmer's Market.
We engaged with over 3,500 households through Greener Homes London, which provides sustainability kits, online resources, webinars, home checkups, and assessments to help residents green their homes.
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We hosted and attended over 60 events across London this year. Our staff and volunteer team connected with over 4,400 people at these events!
We supported 13 pollinator-friendly and rain gardens in the community this year. These gardens were delivered in partnership with network members, the City of London's Neighbourhood Decision Making program, and the Residential Rain Garden Pilot Program.
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Our Green Economy London & Norfolk programs support over 64 Green Economy Leaders. Our staff team provides support for these leaders to measure, set, and achieve sustainability targets in the areas of waste, water, emissions, and environmental stewardship.
2022 was also a year for new initiatives and programs! We are proud to launch and deliver the Clean Energy in Remote & Rural Communities: Deshkan Ziibiing Retrofit Pilot Program, EcoLeaders Youth Environmental Leadership Program, Butt Blitz & Community Butt Recycling Program, and the Nonprofit Resiliency Project. We've also welcomed back our most popular environmental networking event, Green Drinks!
We have a long way to go to become one of the greenest and most resilient cities in Canada, but we can get there together. This giving season, your support will help fund expenses for events, advertising, staff time, and training so that we can achieve our programming goals. Click here to make a donation today.