
Climate Action for All

Climate Action for All is where the London Environmental Network shines. We work with underserved communities in at-risk areas to provide environmental services at low to no cost, ensuring that no one is left behind in the environmental movement

This year, LEN is celebrating the end of year and Giving Tuesday by launching our Climate Action for All Campaign. Funds raised from this campaign will support: mini forest plantings with native trees and shrubs to increase local biodiversity; retrofits that reduce emissions, increase efficiency, improve comfortability, and save money for underserved communities; as well as rain garden implementation in high-risk flood areas.

Do you resonate with any of these action areas? You can support Climate Action for All and help make London a greener and more resilient city by donating to our campaign or sharing our cause.




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A word from our donors

"I donated to the London Environmental Network this year because it has never been more important for us to commit to climate action. One of my favourite actions that LEN takes is implementing green infrastructure projects, and I was so proud to help transform the concrete playground at Jeanne Sauve PS in 2022 to an urban oasis where the kids can learn about native plants and other ecological services."

Skylar Franke, City of London Ward 11 Councillor 

"The London Environment Network is an amazing organization. It connects dozens of environmentally-focused organizations in the London area, providing them support and creating a robust network driving positive change in the community. I truly appreciate how the LEN acts as a gateway for anyone interested in environmental work happening in the London area. If you have any interest in environmental issues, hobbies, or initiatives, the LEN likely has a member organization that is involved in that work, and LEN is a great resource to find them and get involved. I discovered one of the LEN’s members, Thames Talbot Land Trust, through LEN’s website where they highlight members, and since then have volunteered on a number of their events. One of my favourite was bat and snake monitoring at one of their properties. I highly recommend for anyone interested, to check out the LEN and its members, and get involved and support however you can!"

Myles Swift, P.Eng, MBA. Director of Operations at Centric Engineering

“Cambia Development Foundation is proud to contribute $2,000 towards London Environmental Network's campaign. Our city needs LEN’s leadership in helping us make progress towards our collective climate change goals. Its programs range from retrofit resources to educating about native plants to encouraging businesses to create climate action plans. Donating to LEN is a way to take action against the global climate change crisis and support local.”

Lina and Chris Bowden, Cambia Development Foundation.

Retrofits for All 

Funds raised from this campaign will go towards one of the LEN's programs, the Nonprofit Resiliency Project (NRP). NRP supports low-income nonprofit organizations in London and Middlesex that provide housing for vulnerable groups, transforming buildings into more energy efficient, comfortable and resilient spaces. Thanks to your support, we raised $9,135.97 to go towards retrofit support in 2023!

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