What is the Multi-Year Budget?
The Multi-Year Budget is the spending plan for the City of London for the next four-year period (2024-2027).
The Multi-Year Budget will include updates to existing budgets within the City’s Service Areas as well as proposed business cases that are aligned with London’s priorities identified in the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan.
After the draft budget is released in December, there will be a public review process which includes Budget Committee deliberation meetings and ways for the community to share their feedback on the draft budget online, in person, and by directly connecting with their City Councillors.
This is a multi-stage process that involves engagement from the public before it is approved by City Council in March 2024. This means you have a say in what London spends its money on in the upcoming years!
On January 31st, Mayor Josh Morgan released his 2024-2027 Budget. Stay tuned for more resources on how to engage with the Mayor's Budget under the Strong Mayor Powers delegation.
Why is it important to you?
As someone who lives, works, and/or studies in London, it is up to you to decide how London’s money is spent. Have your voice heard and your tax dollars spent on things that matter to you.
Our Goal
Our vision at the London Environmental Network is for London to be known as one of the greenest, most resilient cities in Canada. This requires bold action from the community and all levels of government.
We are advocating for a Multi-Year Budget that prioritizes the environment, climate action, and sustainable development for all in London.
The City of London’s Strategic Plan and the Climate Emergency Action Plan both highlight the importance of protecting the environment and taking climate action for a sustainable city. The Multi-Year Budget will determine where funding is allocated across the City over the next four years. In order to meet our environmental goals, we need to allocate funding for environmental projects! We need your help in supporting the environment, climate action, and sustainable development this budget cycle.
What can you do?
Do you want to make London greener and more resilient too? Here are some actions you can take:
- Call, email, text your City Councillor. Tell your councillor how you feel about the multi-year budget and what you would like to see approved and not approved.
- Attend our budget session on January 16th
- Attend Sustainability Summit events - Jan 18th,
- Speak at a Public Participation Meeting - Jan 29th or Feburary 27th
Thank you for connecting with the Multi-Year Budget! Together we can advocate for a greener and more resilient city.