December 21, 2021 at 7:00pm
1 hr 30 mins
Come together to celebrate the winter solstice with song, story and drumming, to honour the darkness and prepare for the coming of the light
The changing of the seasons reminds us of our connections to Mother Earth. We take this opportunity to reflect on our connections to nature and the gifts we receive from times of darkness and light.
- Musical offerings from Jennifer White & Robert McMaster and Marque Smith
- Drumming by Sheila Horrell
- Storytellling by Tracy Whiteye.
- Readings by Greg Smith and Judi Fisher
This is a scent free event. Proof of double vaccination and facemasks required. Registration limited to 50 participants.
A free-will offering will be collected. Surplus funds will be donated to Indwell.
Photo by Josh Boot on Unsplash