Please arrive at the meeting site at least 15 minutes before the outing is to begin in order to sign in, receive a safety talk and sign a waiver form.
Wednesday July 25, 6:30-8pm @ Meadowlily Woods
During Summer 2017, ReForest London welcomed many people to celebrate Ontario Forests with our Forest Hike Series for Ontario and Canada's 150th Birthday! Our hikes were held in the Forest City, throughout the months of May to July, many taking place in Environmentally Significant Areas.
We will be continuing to offer public hikes this summer, for Londoners keen on learning more about the natural areas London has. Forest Hike Series dates will be announced soon!
This year, we will be leading hikes in London's ESAs, but also along the Thames Valley Parkway, to provide those with accessibility needs the opportunity to participate as well!
Did You Know?
In the City of London, 21 natural areas are currently designated as “Environmentally Significant Areas” or ESAs. These areas exist within both agricultural and urban settings and include wetlands, forests and meadows as well as river corridors and valleylands and significant wildlife habitat.
Special thanks to the Government of Ontario for funding this program, and to our hike partner, Thames Valley Trail Association, who has provided hike leaders to lead some of the hikes in the series.
View the 2018 Hike Series dates here
July 25, 2018 at 6:30pm
1 hr 30 mins