The City of London (the City) has initiated a study under the Environmental Assessment (EA) Act for a proposed expansion of the City’s existing landfill (W12A), which is expected to reach capacity in 2024. The service area for the landfill expansion is proposed to be enlarged to a regional area, which would include: the City of London, County of Huron, County of Perth, County of Elgin, County of Lambton, and County of Middlesex.
The City wants community feedback on the proposed expansion of the W12A Landfill and is hosting this fourth series of open houses. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to abide by provincial government restrictions and other public health safety measures, this open house is by appointment only as follows:
Date: November 19, 2020
Location: Hellenic Community Centre (Anthony’s Room) ,133 Southdale Road West, London
Time: 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. (by appointment only)
To book an appointment to attend please contact Tracey Lee by phone at 519-661-CITY (2489) ext. 8413 or by e-mail at [email protected](External link).
COVID-19 protection measures will be in place including limiting the number of attendees at one time, physical distancing, mandatory masks, regular disinfection of touch points (e.g., door handles) and attendance by appointment only.
It is proposed that the landfill expansion will occur vertically (upwards) within the existing waste footprint and the on-site buffer area expanded to the north and east onto existing City property.
At these open houses the public will be presented the findings of the EA studies and provided information on how the landfill would be expanded if approved. The public will learn about the individual environmental component results of the existing conditions studies, the predicted effects of the proposed expansion on the environment, and the commitments London is making to mitigate any adverse effects. Additionally, information on the development of the City’s Resource Recovery Strategy and potential changes to the W12A Landfill Community Enhancement and Mitigative Measures Program (CEMMP) will also be available to the public. The CEEMP will go through a parallel process with a separate feedback and engagement schedule.
Attendees will have the opportunity to have discussions with City staff and the project consultant.
Review COVID-19 Protocols for November 18 and 19 Open Houses.