Local Flowers
Climate Change & Climate Action in London

The main source of emissions in London come from cars, then households, then commercial and industrial use as seen in the graphic below.

The City of London is developing a community driven climate action plan. The goal is to reduce London’s greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030 and reach net-zero by 2050.

Includes plans to prioritize walking, cycling, public transportation, reducing amenities to neighbourhoods, support green/low impact infrastructure development, social safety net & emergency response programs and assessment of large projects for their impact with respect to climate change, etc..

Get involved with the Climate Emergency Action Plan here.

You can also calculate your household carbon using Project Neutral's calculator. Check out some of these local groups taking climate action to get involved. If you own or work for a business that wants to reduce your GHG footprint, get in touch with staff at Green Economy London.

Recent Updates
  • The City of London is gathering feedback on the Climate Emergency Action Plan and will use it to develop the Plan, which is supposed to be completed and approved by May-June 2021