Flooding is a major concern for many Londoners, especially after heavy rain storms and in the spring when the snow starts to melt. However, climate change is further exacerbating these flooding issues by not only making them more common, but also making them more severe. One goal of London's Climate Emergency Action Plan is to make London more resilient to climate change. There are many ways to do this but one way to prevent climate change associated flooding on your property is to install a rain garden!
So what is a rain garden?
Rain gardens are a form of landscape design intended to appear as a traditional garden bed but provide a dual function to collect stormwater on site as it runs across the land from nearby impermeable surfaces such as roofs or driveways. They are designed to keep water on your property and put it into the ground instead of it running off into stormwater drains and directly into the Thames River.
So what are the benefits of installing a rain garden?
💧 These beautiful gardens help manage stormwater. You will be doing your part to prevent flooding and erosion.
💚 Rain gardens are a blend of beauty and sustainability. They showcase the power of sustainable landscaping, inspiring your neighbours and other Londoners to create their own rain garden haven.
🌿 Rain gardens create habitats for birds, butterflies, and beneficial insects. They promote biodiversity and support a thriving ecosystem right in your backyard.
🌊Rain gardens act as natural water filters, removing pollutants before they reach our rivers and streams.
🌻 Rain gardens are like nature's sponges, capturing rainwater runoff. They help replenish our groundwater, reducing the strain on the water resources.
For more information on how to build a Rain Garden, check out these LEN Resources!