Join us on Thursday April 15th for Virtual Green Drinks April: Organizations with Impact
Welcome to Virtual Green Drinks April where we will focus on Organizations with Impact. There are many organizations out there, working to make a difference and for this edition we are excited to focus on three that are striving to create collective action. Join us on Thursday April 15th starting at 630pm as we hear from Noelle Le Conte-Good, Founder of The Good Choice Initiative, Kathryn Norman from Sustainable Eastern Ontario and Kathleen O’Hara and Ken Johnson from the Time 4 Action Webinar Series and the Below 2C advocacy group.
The Good Choice Initiative’s mission is to inspire and empower sustainable communities in the Ottawa area with the resources they need to take action. They have an online platform to help conscious consumers discover local businesses. Their directory features 95 businesses that meet high sustainability and ethics criteria. Since launching last year, they’ve experienced significant growth and have had the opportunity to connect with likeminded people and organizations in our community. Noelle will outline the organization and tell us how they are creating positive impact by informing the choices of local consumers.
Following Noelle we will hear from Kathryn Norman over at Sustainable Eastern Ontario (SEO). SEO is a network organization that fosters partnerships and collaborations on sustainability activities throughout Eastern Ontario. They connect sustainability groups together, develop strategic collaborations across the sector, build capacity of administration and operations, and celebrate successes across the region. They are raising the profile and capability of sustainability initiatives and telling the story of transition and resilience in our community. Kathryn will detail what they are working and how you can get connected into this powerful network.
Lastly, we will hear from Kathleen O’Hara and Ken Johnson from the Time 4 Action Webinar series and the Below 2C Initiative. Below2°C is a call to act on the climate. It's a movement to keep global warming below two degrees. Time 4 Action is a webinar series which seeks to Introduce groups and activists to each other, fostering greater co-operation and co-ordination while at the same time creating a progressive narrative. Their goal is to mobilize activists during the calls and afterwards. Kathleen and Ken will outline how they got started, what you can expect in upcoming webinars and how you can get involved.
Don’t miss this jam packed night of Impact at Virtual Green Drinks April. Please note due to the Easter Holiday we will be one week later than our usual with Green Drinks April happening the 15th. Register now to hold your spot.
To register on Eventbrite click here!
Speaker Bios:
Noelle Le Conte-Good has over ten years' experience in project coordination and management for numerous organizations in the non-profit and public sector. She is fluent in French and Spanish and has lived in international settings for over eight years. With a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree in Geography from Queen's University, she took environmental studies in Costa Rica, and participated in an environmental education and conservation internship in Honduras. She has previously worked for the federal government at Statistics Canada in the Environmental Surveys Division and at Fairtrade Canada where she fostered her interest in sustainability, ethics and environmental certification before starting Good Choice Initiative.
Kathryn Norman is the Program & Communications Coordinator at Sustainable Eastern Ontario, and the Editor of the Peace & Environment News. She has a Master's degree in Biology from Carleton University, and has worked in various nonprofit, government, academic, and private sector roles. She currently specializes in nonprofit communications and training, and program evaluation. She wants to be a paleontologist when she grows up, and her favourite dinosaur is the stegosaurus.
Kathleen O’Hara is now retired, so she has more time for activism, specifically preventing climate catastrophe. She has worked for a political party, an Ontario cabinet minister, a federal MP, the CBC, a print syndication service, and more. She finds her present voluntary environmental work the most satisfying of all.
Ken Johnson, PhD Is a former federal scientist who, over the last eight years, has focused on the climate crisis and climate crisis solutions. He is an adjunct professor at the School of Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Ottawa. He is the cofounder of the website/blog/digest This winter, he co-created Time4Action, a weekly webinar focusing on progressive perspectives on the climate crisis, and related issues.