April 20, 2023 at 7:00pm
2 hrs
Welcome to TTLT's Volunteer Orientation Training! We're pleased to offer this training as part of our newly revamped Stewardship Volunteer Program.
The event will consist of two parts. You're welcome to attend only part 1, or both parts, depending on your interests.
Part 1 - 7pm to 7:45pm - Introduction to Thames Talbot Land Trust, who we are, what we do, why we do it, and how you can help.
Part 2 - 7:45pm to 8:30pm - Focus on our stewardship work and all the info you need to get started as a Stewardship Volunteer.
Who should attend?
- Anyone interested in learning about volunteering as a Stewardship Volunteer
- Current volunteers who want to learn more about TTLT or who would like a refresher
- Members, supporters, or other interested people who want to learn more about TTLT