When February 26, 2022 at 10:00am 2 hrs


Participate in seed processing. Get hands-on to learn the tips and tricks of proper seed saving methods.

About this event

Thames Talbot Land Trust brings their expertise in a seed processing workshop. Bring your friends and family and enjoy a fun and interactive learning experience. Learn about how seed saving methods are a key part to our conservation and sustainability efforts.

This event is child-friendly and the whole family can enjoy.

Disclaimer: During this workshop participants will come into contact with nuts and seeds. Individuals with allergies should refrain from participating.

Note: Since this event is held indoors, proof of COVID-19 vaccination with a QR code will be required for all participants 5 and older, as required by Ontario regulations.

About Thames Talbot Land Trust

Thames Talbot Land Trust (TTLT) is a non-profit, charitable organization that actively works to protect, conserve, and restore nature within Elgin, Middlesex, Oxford and Perth counties. We are a group of committed and passionate staff, Board members, volunteers, and donors working towards a vision of creating a network of permanently protected areas that are rich in biodiversity, sustain life and nourish a sense of wonder and inspiration for all people. We have been making a lasting impact on our local landscapes since 2000.

TTLT currently protect more than 1900 acres of land (and counting), which is home to at least 50 Species at Risk.

About the Signal Boost Initiative:

The Signal Boost Initiative is a three-year joint initiative of ReForest London and the London Environmental Network, aimed at dramatically increasing the number of public environmental education opportunities available here in London. It is a project of the new Westminster Ponds Centre for Environment and Sustainability.

This event is offered as a part of the Signal Boost Initiative, which was made possible with support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

To register for this event, please click here!