When December 12, 2023 at 5:00pm 3 hrs
Where Beacock Library Branch 1280 Huron St, London, ON N5Y 4M2, Canada

Travelling to neighbourhoods across London, drop by for one-on-one conversations with local environmental groups, have your questions answered, and hear from speakers on key environmental topics.

Green in the City is an annual event series organized by the City of London, London Public Library, and London Environmental Network. The series aims to explore sustainability topics through a local lens by highlighting leaders in various sectors, including grassroots groups, institutions, nonprofits, government, and businesses. Learn about these local examples and how to get involved to make London one of the greenest, most resilient cities in Canada!

Repair Café and Sustainable Living Fair, December 12th, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM at Beacock Library Branch

Bring your small appliance, clothing, or other item that needs fixing, and have it repaired for free while you sit with your fixer and learn repair skills. Visit with local organizations at this event to learn more about living sustainably.

Note: Sustainable Living Fair starts at 5pm and Repair Cafe starts one hour later, at 6pm.

Register your items to be repaired: Dandelion
