Recognizes a member’s involvement, participation, and leadership in projects and actions that positively impact the community and ecosystems of London and surrounding area.

Western Fair District

Teaching hundreds of people how to reduce and divert their own waste and how to use the compost on their own site, amending soil with organics that may have been wasted otherwise.

MTE Consultants

Company-Wide E-waste Drive | January 2024

For the second consecutive year, their Green Team spearheaded a two-week e-waste drive. Employees were encouraged to bring in electronic items from their homes. At the end of the drive, the Electronics Recycling Association (ERA), a non-profit organization focused on reducing electronic waste, came to pick up the items. This initiative wasn’t limited to our London office, but extended companywide, resulting in the proper disposal of over 300 items.

Waste Audit, Green Project Support | March 28, 2023

After receiving Green Project Support, they arranged for a waste audit conducted by Waste Solutions Canada. The audit provided valuable insights into their current waste management system and created opportunities for further enhancements. The results revealed that our diversion rate was approximately 80%. Within their waste-to-landfill stream, it was observed that around 50% had the potential to be diverted, and 10% could be diverted through existing channels in the office. Notably, paper and coffee cups comprised the bulk of the 10%. In response to this, they took deliberate actions. They phased out disposable coffee cups entirely, transitioning to reusable options, and ensured staff were educated about disposal practices. Recognizing that roughly 30% of the materials in the landfill stream were compostable, we proposed and implemented a paid compost service. Since July, their efforts have diverted over 1,500 L of organic waste.

Plant Appreciation Day | April 13, 2023

To mark International Plant Appreciation Day on April 13, the Green Team organized a plant repotting event. They lovingly repotted 25 office plants that had outgrown their pots, all while enjoying the camaraderie of getting their hands dirty! Additionally, plant care guides were distributed during the event to enhance awareness and understanding of the various types of plants spread throughout the office.

Earth Day Cleanup | April 22, 2023

Our Green Team organized a litter cleanup for staff in celebration of Earth Day

Platinum Level Environmental Stewardship Target Achievement & Reestablishment | June 2023

Their London office reached the Platinum Environmental Stewardship Target they set in 2020 through Green Economy London, completing 10 projects within three years. Building on this accomplishment, the Green Team opted to set the same target once more. Their aim is to accomplish another 10 projects by 2026.

Pollinator Gardens at Stratford Office | September 2023

Two new pollinator gardens were designed and planted at their Stratford office with the help of members of the London Green Team. Their focus was on carefully selecting plants based on criteria such as flower shape, seasonality, height, and colour. To garner volunteer support, they created an informative poster detailing the significance of pollinators, their role, and the specific plants chosen for the gardens. Over the span of two days, they were thrilled to welcome 25 volunteers, including staff members and students from an eco-club of the local high school.

Reforest London Tree Planting Event | October 13, 2023

For the second consecutive year, they sponsored and participated in a tree planting event with ReForest London, contributing to London’s Million Tree Challenge.

MTE Garbage Clean Up MTE Participating in a Work Place Green Up Garbage Pick Up Event
MTE Tree Planting MTE Participating in Reforest London's Tree Planting Day
The Wormery The Wormery at the Western Fair District