When November 30, 2023 at 7:00pm 1 hr 30 mins
Where Zoom
Contact Cameron Armstrong [email protected]

About From Root To Sky:

From Root to Sky is a free, climate-centered program from Youth Climate Lab (YCL) that was created to foster a sense of kinship and community among racialized and marginalized communities by promoting wellness and healing through art, storytelling, and other spiritual and land-based practices. The goal of this program is to create a safe space for young BIack, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) youth be free to express themselves while also building capacity for collective anti-racist climate action, through dialogue, networking, and learning opportunities. YCL created this program because we recognize how climate change is a symptom of historical and intersecting systemic forces at play, such as colonialism, racial capitalism, and patriarchy—the same issues that cause and perpetuate violence against the BIPOC community.

About Environmental Racism and Demystifying Bill C-226:

As Bill C-226 heads back to the Senate this Fall, come learn about what exactly that entails! Participants will engage in a workshop to demystify what exactly Bill C-226 is and a look into what environmental racism in so-called Canada looks like right now.