When August 25, 2022 at 6:30pm 2 hrs
Where Beacock Branch Library 1280 Huron St, London, ON N5Y 4M2, Canada

Huron Heights Community Association is proud to be collaborating with Beacock Branch Library and Middlesex London Food Policy Council (MLFPC - https://mlfpc.ca/), to host a 2-hour neighbourhood community meeting at Beacock Library on Thursday, August 25th from 6:30-8:30pm, to give YOU a chance to share your opinions, experiences and concerns with London's food system - access to food, rising costs, food insecurity, community gardens, etc. Admission is FREE and open to all regardless of where you live in London. We are inviting individuals, residents, business owners, community organizations, school representatives, et al, in Northeast London and area, who would be interested in sharing their opinions and  thoughts on food and their local food system.  

MLFPC is conducting a Community Food Assessment about how Covid-19 has impacted what food people are eating, cooking, growing, and buying in London & Middlesex County.  They are looking to understand what residents like about their food system and what they believe should change. We hope that the participation of the public will help to shape the Middlesex London food system to better serve its residents and help policy leaders to understand how they can adjust the system to best represent Middlesex London. A report will be written and available to the public on the Middlesex London Health Unit website but participants’ names will not be included and the identities of participants will be kept confidential. Participants are encouraged to stay engaged as active and valued contributors to the research.