UPDATE: We're pleased to share that the draft Climate Emergency Action Plan was unanimously approved by London's City Council on April 12, 2022. The approved document is now referred to as the Climate Emergency Action Plan (CEAP). Visit the City of London's website here for background, updates, and ways you can implement the CEAP.

Looking for more? Browse our existing programs here and upcoming environmental events here to help us make London a green and resilient city. Thanks to everyone who shared their support and feedback to move climate action forward in London!

“Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break. And all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention. So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you.” ― L.R. Knost 

Our City just released the Climate Emergency Action Plan, 2.5 years in the making. We hope our community and city rise to the challenge. Net-zero by 2050 or earlier is not only possible, it is the only option.

We believe in our community. We believe it is possible to change how we live, work, commute and play, because it has happened before. These changes are something to be excited about, making our communities more livable and walkable, connecting with our neighbours more and moving our bodies more freely. That’s what this plan is about. 

We know not everyone emits equally, and this plan outlines equitable emission reductions (for example, if you emit more, you are responsible for making greater reductions). We must all be able to participate in climate action, and it must be fair.

Since the Climate Emergency Action Plan was released, members of the London Environmental Network gathered virtually to review the document and identify areas for improvement and implementation. As a sector, we are excited to see a wide range of climate action initiatives represented in the plan (some of our group feedback is shared below). We are eager to work collaboratively with residents, nonprofits, institutions, businesses, and the City of London alike to transform London into a greener and more resilient city.

You can read the City’s Climate Emergency Action Plan here, as well as their high level Q&A summary. They will be releasing a feedback form shortly, as well as videos which we will update here.

Check out these highlights adapted from the Climate Emergency Action Plan below:


Our Take:

  • We are happy to see City Hall moving forward with updated science based targets of 55 per cent reduction in GHG emissions by 2030, 65 per cent reduction by 2035, 75 per cent by 2040, and net zero by 2050.
  • We like how there are 10 work plans which outline next steps for staff to complete. You can see those actions listed in a chart format here
  • We like how everyone in London has a role to play, from residents choosing to bike or walk more often, the City developing our community so it’s more walkable, and businesses reducing their emissions from operations.
  • We would like to see more staff allocated to work on this portfolio to ensure it moves forward with the emergency response it deserves
  • We would like the targets to align with four year Council terms so that each Council is responsible for achieving the target for their term

Ways you can support the plan include:

  • Attending the Climate Change Conversation on March 14th at 7pm. Register here.

  • Registering for the April 5th Public Participation Meeting and speak

    • Pre-register by calling 519-661-2489 ext. 7100 or by emailing [email protected].  Please indicate the meeting and item when contacting the Clerk’s Office.  Directions on how to participate will be provided upon registration.

  • Sending an email to your City Councillor to show your support (unsure what to say? See a customizable template here)

  • Submit feedback using the City’s feedback form here

Skylar Franke


Executive Director at London Environmental Network