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The City of London is certified as one of Canada's first Bird Friendly Cities. As a group, we represent the City of London in Nature Canada's Bird Friendly Cities program. Bird Friendly London is a grassroots community organization consisting of partners in London's environmental sector. We are committed to helping Londoners to conserve and enjoy wild birds through public education and programming, while improving equity, diversity and inclusion in birding spaces.

Organizational Goals & Objectives

We aim to promote bird friendly actions by the public and businesses to help conserve birds and bird habitat, such as by addressing leading threats to birds (e.g., predation by free roaming cats, collisions with windows, habitat loss). We also aim to make it easier for newcomers and people from equity-deserving backgrounds to participate in birdwatching, bird feeding and environmental stewardship by offering accessible, inclusive programs and sharing information through our website, social media and print media. We aim to expand beyond the City of London to also include bird loving folks from nearby First Nations and smaller municipalities adjacent to London.

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Bird Friendly London


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