When April 06, 2021 at 7:00pm 1 hr
Where Online Event London, ON, Canada

Tuesday, April 6th 2021 7:00PM - 8:00PM

Join Environmentalist in Residence Dr. Andrea Boyer to learn about migration patterns and the effects urban areas have on birds. Andrea is joined by Western PhD Biology student Brendon Samuels, who studies the role of the visual systems of birds in preventing window collisions.

This workshop will include demonstrations on retrofitting your windows to become more bird-friendly and other tips and tricks for keeping birds safe. Work on these Do-it-Yourself projects with us – you'll also be entered into our draw to win the required supplies.

The Hueston Family Foundation, a registered Canadian charity focusing on animal welfare and environmental issues, is pleased to support London Public Library's Environmentalist in Residence initiative and environmental events at the Library in April.

To register for this event through London Public Library click here!