What a year! As the London Environmental Network (LEN) continues to grow, we are so thankful to our supporters and volunteers who’ve made 2022 such a success.
It has been a year of change. We’ve welcomed new staff, new programs, new members and new partners. The city has welcomed new council members, a new Mayor and released a new Climate Emergency Action Plan.
Keeping up has been an exciting and welcome challenge.
I have seen such a growing interest in supporting environmental initiatives; groups like ours, and many of our members; Urban Roots, Reforest London, Thames Talbot Land Trust, and London Cycle Link, just to name a few, continue to grow, harnessing the support of more and more community members.
While simultaneously, we are disappointed in Provincial actions, like the passing of Bill 23, making amendments to the Greenbelt Plan and the Ontario Wetland Evaluation system and threatening to prioritize development over environmental and conservation concerns.
For me, this reiterates the importance of community-based action and advocacy. I am proud of our local sector and its resilience. I am proud of the many environmental organizations in our community looking to the neighbouring First Nations for needed guidance on conservation. I am proud of our collaboration with Chippewas of The Thames First Nation this year, where we worked on GHG emission-reducing Retrofits that keep money in the pockets of local families by reducing reliance on costly propane. Check out this video for a brief summary. I see London’s environmental groups embracing diversity and inclusivity in programming and seeking a just green transition. I’m hearing inspiring stories of sustainability successes and incentivization, and I feel energized and excited about what next year brings for our community.
I’d like to wish you all a restful and happy holiday and hope that we can enjoy a 2023 of collaboration, action, and impact together.
Marianne Griffith
Executive Director, London Environmental Network