When January 22, 2020 at 6:30pm 2 hrs
Where Mary Campbell Housing Cooperative, Common Room 587 Talbot St, London, ON N6A 1L8, Canada

(Part 1 of Antler River, Upstream/Downstream)
with Bryan Smith
of Oxford Coalition for Social Justice
and OPAL (Oxford People Against the Landfill)
speaking on the continuing years long fight to prevent an Ingersoll area quarry from becoming a landfill for Toronto’s mid level industrial waste, potentially 100 large trucks full of it per day.

This former quarry is now a lake right beside the South Fork of the Thames River, so any waste dumped there would certainly leak contaminants into the river, even if the quarry is drained and “lined”, as promised. From there the river flows down through London, Ontario, where it joins the North Fork at the Forks of the Thames in downtown London, it’s water eventually reaching Lake St. Clair and Lake Erie, from which we get a large portion of our drinking water.

This is what we in London can look forward to, situated as we are downstream from Ingersoll. Meanwhile, UPSTREAM from London, Ingersoll can look forward to contamination of both its river and its ground water wells for drinking, unless we all work together to prevent approval of this insane proposal!

All cities, towns and other communities on the river and within its watershed have a joint responsibility to prevent pollution of these waterways and to clean up existing pollution in them. The days of dumping our waste wherever we please should be long over. Our water and our watersheds must be cleaned up and protected for future generations.

Free admission. Everyone Welcome. Donations welcome.

Hosted by the Council of Canadians, London Chapter

Coffee, tea, juice, and water provided

Bring a friend! Share this notice with your contacts! Let's network! Please keep water issues in mind when you vote in the upcoming municipal election.

FRAGRANCE FREE EVENT! Please be respectful of attendees who have serious allergies! No perfume or flowers will be permitted.

Our monthly EVENTS are open to the public and never include a business meeting.

(Our monthly BUSINESS MEETINGS are separate meetings for our steering committee, our other committee chairs, and a few invited guests only. All of our planning and other business are carried out at these steering meetings.)

This event takes place on the ancestral lands of the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabek, Lenape, Huron-Wendat, and Attawandaron Peoples.

Event image and description via Council of Canadians.

View the event page on Facebook here.