When September 14, 2019 at 11:00am 1 hr
Where Canadian Arab Society Hall 769 Southdale Rd E, London, ON N6E 3B9, Canada

Hosted by the Canadian Civic Cultural Club, Council of Canadians London Chapter and The Canadian Arab Society.

This Seminar is aimed to:

  • Educate the public about environmental challenges facing our communities

  • Create opportunities for individuals and communities to become involved in the protection and restoration of the ecological health of our environment with focus on Thames River and Lake Erie

  • Provide roadmaps for steps we can take to tackle these challenges

  • Support Thames river communities to enhance their connections to local water bodies and over time build capacity for environmental advocacy

  • Utilize your opinions and engagement to protect and restore the ecological health

    Time: Sept 14th, 2019 from 11AM-1Pm

    Venue: Canadian Arab Society Hall Located at: 769 Southdale Road East. Unit 9D - London, ON -N6E 3B9 (Close to Paramount Fine Foods)

    *Environmental Defence is a nonprofit organization working to defend clean water, a safe climate, and healthy communities. For more information please access to this link: https://environmentaldefence.ca/