Opportunity Fund Title (If Applicable) Organization Type Types of Projects Supported Deadline to Apply
Peter Gilgan Foundation There are three grants types: Project grants, capacity-building grants, and general operating grants. Foundation Under the Climate Change program, The Peter Gilgan Foundation supports nature-based solutions, low-emission and renewable technologies, green building and living, and community resilience. Please review the website for deadlines for the grant types. The Climate Change program has no deadline and accepts expresions of interest on a rolling basis.
Infrastructure Canada Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Government of Canada The GICB supports green and accessible retrofits, repairs or upgrades of existing public community buildings and the construction of new publicly-accessible community buildings that serve high-needs, underserved communities across Canada. Currently closed
Natural Resources Canada Towards Net Zero Homes and Communities Government of Canada A unique opportunity that support Indigenous, rural and remote, and under-resourced communities in their efforts to reduce residential GHG emissions Currently closed
Ivey Foundation Economy and Environment Program Foundation This opportunity prioritizes projects that accelerate progress on priority pathways to net-zero, including increasing energy efficiency, mass electrification and grid integration, decarbonizing and doubling electricity supply and initiating targeted transition efforts in specific sectors. Ongoing
Infrastructure Canada Natural Infrastructure Fund Government of Canada There are two streams. The Small Projects Stream ia allocated to communities across Canada for smaller natural and hybrid infrastructure projects. Projects must reflect one of the four categories: Planting or restoring green space, construction or restoration of naturalized water retention or detention systems,naturalized water diversion or infiltration and/or natural infrastructure or hybrid infrastructure projects supporting biodiversity and connectivity. Currently closed
London Community Foundation Community Vitality Grant Foundation This opportunity welcomes applications that align with the Vital Signs issue areas: housing, racial equality, well-being, gender equality, food security, education, and the environment.

Proposals are expected to value and embody the concept of "nothing about us, without us". How are the individuals representative of the population(s) being served, involved in the decision making and delivery of the project
Currently closed
Ontario Trillium Foundation Resilient Communities Fund Foundation This opportunity has identified a list of outcomes related to capacity, resiliency and sustainability. Eligible projects include feasibility studies and technology supports. Closes on October 25, 2023 for this round.
AGAPE Foundation of London N/A Foundation The Agape foundation of London makes grants for start up costs both capital and operating to new organizations intending to provide services of facilities that respond to a documented need in the community. Grants are also made to organizations that demonstrate a need for funding of a special capital project (i.e. infrastructure) Ongoing