When September 19, 2022 at 9:00am 3 hrs
Where Queens Park at the Western Fair District
Contact Cole Taylor [email protected]

Come out and help us with some garden maintenance at Queens Park!

We will be adding some pollinator plants from other locations and adding fresh mulch to the area.

Weeding and edging will also be a focus of this event if time permits.

This garden was installed by the Pollinator Pathways Project as part of the Dundas Pollinator Pathway network across London. Join us in recognizing these efforts, as well as maintaining the sites to continue the success of these projects for future seasons.


This event will be in 2 time blocks on Monday, September 19

9am - 11am

6pm - 8pm



All equipment and materials will be provided.

We only ask that everyone dresses for the weather and brings lots of water for themselves.


Meet at Queens Park at 8:45am or 5:45pm to get started!

Join us in developing London into a greener and more resilient city by focusing on our green infrastructure and pollinator pathways!


Questions? Email Us: [email protected]