You are invited to learn more about where LEN is headed and celebrate a vibrant year of green activities at LEN's First AGM. Since this is the first AGM for LEN, members will be voting on our bylaws, electing our Directors (current slate can be found on our website) and appointing a public accountant. We will also have refreshments and updates on LEN's activities.
There have been so many exciting changes this past year, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the vision and the hard work of member organizations and volunteers supporting LEN. It’s more important than ever that we work together in 2019 to emphasize the importance of environmental organizations and initiatives. Having a strong network in London meant that in 2018 we were able to:
- Connect directly with over 12,000 Londoners through 6 workshops, 9 outreach booths, 6 Green Drinks and 1 River Talks Summit
- Connect online through social media and newsletters with over 3,700 Londoners
- Engage over 150 volunteers through our committees, Board, outreach booths and events
- Met with over 30 businesses to determine their interest in a sustainability program geared at businesses reducing GHG emissions, waste and improving water diversion.
- Our 43 members (that's you!) connect with over 96,000 Londoners through your social media pages and newsletters
- LEN members also engaged over 5,000 volunteers, 2,800 general members and 220 board members in the environmental sector
London’s environmental sector is growing rapidly. LEN’s mandate to connect us to nourish a collaborative and vibrant sector is more relevant than ever. I hope you will join us to celebrate our achievements so far and to discuss the important year ahead.
One authorized representative per organization may vote, but we welcome any staff, members or volunteers from your organization to attend this celebration and update on LEN's activities. The authorized representative will be the key contact LEN has for your organization, but if the key contact is unable to attend a different member from your organization will be able to vote in their place. We will send out the motions in advance of the AGM event for your review.
You can register for free here.
- 6:00-6:15pm - Mix and Mingle (refreshments provided)
- 6:15-6:30pm - Update from LEN & Celebration
- 6:30-6:45pm - Business Portion
- 6:50pm - Wrap Up
- 7:00pm - Green in the City Talk starts