With support from volunteers, we removed 70 square meters of under-utilized pavement and replaced it with gardens full of native and local plant varieties.
The site, now features a low retaining wall that doubles as alternative seating for market visitors, supplemented by a garden featuring over 75 native plants.
35 incredible volunteers came out to remove asphalt, built a retaining wall, and plant a this beautiful garden.
These plants will provide plenty of benefits outside of their improvement to native biodiversity and pollinator habitat. They also help with the reduction of heat and chemical pollution, and reducing pollution to our stormwater systems, improving local water system health. The removal of pavement also helps reduce heat trapped in dark surfaces and reduce urban heat island effects.
Thank you to our fantastic local project partners who are offering their time, services, and products to make this Depave Paradise another successful event: Green Communities Canada, City of St. Thomas, St. Thomas EDC, Railway City Tourism, Horton Farmers' Market, TRY Recycling, Heeman's, MTE Consultants, McCabe Promotional Advertising Inc., Stone Paradise, Southwestern Public Health, and the J.P. Bickell Foundation.