
Scroll or search for all the information you could need to prepare for a home energy assessment, ensure you are purchasing eligible retrofits, home retrofit planning and educational resources, environmental financial incentives and resources, contact information, and more!


Before Your Pre-Retrofit Energy Assessment:


After Your Pre-Retrofit Energy Assessment:


Confirming Rebate and Retrofit Eligibility:


Additional Program Information:


Home Renovation and Retrofit Education:

Natural Resources Canada Resources: 


Green Communities Canada Retrofit Resources:


LEN Home Retrofit Videos:




Environmental & Sustainability Resouces:

Environmental and Sustainability Education:


Financial Incentives & Environmental Community Resources: 


Contact Information:

London Environmental Network:

  • To contact LEN regarding energy assessments, financial incentives, or the Greener Homes London Program: 
  • To contact LEN regarding programming, volunteering, events or more:


 Natural Resources Canada: 


Enbridge Gas (legacy Union Gas):

  • To contact Enbridge regarding the HER+ program, other energy efficiency programs, or the status of your HER+ rebates:
    • Phone: 844-777-3149