Register for this online session here: Zoom link.
The London Environmental Network is excited to host an online session with Humber Polytechnic and the City of London on the Home Efficiency Retrofit Orientation (HERO) program for homeowners, helping to demystify starting your energy journey.
The Home Efficiency Retrofit Orientation (HERO) program helps homeowners incorporate best practice energy-efficiency upgrades in home renovations that improve comfort, resilience, peace of mind, GHG reductions, and lower energy costs. The session will provide insights on eligible rebate programs and topics covered including: Heating/Cooling systems, Insulation, Windows, Hot Water Heating & reducing Air Leakage. It is geared towards single-family homeowners (i.e. detached, semi-detached, townhome house types). HERO is developed in partnership with Enbridge Gas and in collaboration with different Ontario municipalities.
This is a two-hour session delivered virtually, and free of charge to homeowners.