

London District Renewable Energy Co-operative Inc. (LDREC) provides Londoners with the opportunity to support the local community, to steward a more environmentally sustainable planet and through the purchase of preferred dividend shares, to be able to acquire a dividend-paying long term investment.

Organizational Objectives

London District Renewable Energy Co-operative Inc. (LDREC) is an Ontario renewable energy co-operative with share capital pooled from London area residents. It was incorporated in 2012. LDREC works to do the following:

  • Provide a vehicle for identification of local investment opportunities for Londoners
  • Intend to invest in local projects, and any returned dividends will go to local members
  • The development and maintenance of the projects will create local employment
  • Procurement of 20 year Feed In Tariff contracts provide stable long term revenue.

Contact Us

London District Renewable Energy Co-operative Inc.
